at THE COACH TOUCH, we discovered that many ideologies about Dating, Relationship, Marriage, and Parenting revolving around the internet are unhealthy for consumption; a big reason many are perplexed and dissatisfied. THE COACH TOUCH WANTS TO TEACH YOU HOW TO DATE, BUILD A GREAT RELATIONSHIP AND MAKE A FANTASTIC MARRIAGE OUT OF IT, AND FINALLY, LEAD YOU THROUGH A SEAMLESS PARENTING JOURNEY AFTER MARRIAGE. This VISION is the rationale behind our FREE Coaching, Counseling, and Guest Speaking.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Children are valuable treasures; as a result, no true parent should afford any kind of parenting mistakes. At least not critical ones. 

Over the years, I have been opportune to meet 
with different parents who complained to me about their children’s lack of interest in more important things like education, talents, and natural abilities but pick interest in frivolities such as games, cartoons, and so on. Some of these parents wondered if it was a result of bad parenting

There are common parenting mistakes like neglecting, scolding, not leading by example, hitting, and lack of communication but that which I’m about to unveil is the deadliest. Unfortunately, many parents are guilty of it and are not even aware.

Whenever I get some of these complaints about a child's lack of interest in the things that matter, the first question I ask is “what do you allow your kids to focus on?"

I have seen families battling with their children’s addiction toward frivolities like movies and games which contends with their interest in other significant areas of their lives. 

It is dangerous when children begin to lack interest in more important things because they excessively engage in other things that are not so important. Such an act can transcend childhood into adulthood and can leave behind lasting negative effects.
Children are valuable treasures; as a result, no true parent should afford any kind of parenting mistakes.  There are common parenting mistakes like neglecting, scolding, not leading by example, hitting and lack of communication but that which I’m about to unveil is the deadliest. Unfortunately, many parents are guilty of it and are not aware of it. parents, child rearing, raising children, positive parenting, raising boys, raising girls, mindful parenting, bad parenting,parenting mistake to avoid,  parenting mistake parents make, parenting mistake with toddlers,What is bad parenting? ,What are the effects of bad parenting?, How do you recover from a bad parent? bad parenting style
Aside from transcending childhood, such attitudes can also affect children’s decisions when they grow to become adults. Children who are addicted to or focuses on unprofitable things can grow up to become adults who will never make proper use of their time. It can even go as far as affecting their jobs, dreams, goals, and aspirations since only unimportant involvements control the most part of their lives. Their addiction to unimportant things will always assuage their drive or interest for more profitable ones. 

I used to have roommates back in my university days who even though they were smart and intelligent people, could not completely unleash their full academic potentials because they spent ample time playing games, partying, seeing movies, and engaging in other irrelevant activities. Most of them ended up school dropouts and some graduated with just ordinary pass, yet these were people who would have probably secured better grades than me. Such unwise decisions even in adulthood can be traced down to parenting mistakes.

According to new data from Netflix, about 12 percent of Americans who watch television shows or movies outside of the home did so in a public restroom. And a whopping 37 percent admit they also do so at work. This is just one of the many proves of the point I’m trying to make.

Allowing children to become addicted to or focus totally on not-so-significant aspects of their lives or on unproductive and unprofitable things is the deadliest parenting mistake in life. This fact has been validated in the article, " Are my kids watching too much TV?" by kids' health medical experts.

Being a bad parenting is not limited to using less nurturing, aggressive, and penalty-driven parenting styles such as Authoritarian parenting.  Allowing your kids to focus more on less productive stuff until they become addicted makes you a bad parent too.

Maybe you are a parent whose children suffer a similar fate. Don’t worry. All hope is not lost. I have just 4 easy tips for you and if you commit to it, I can assure you that within a very short period, you will see a remarkable change. I recommended this approach to a certain parent whose children had a similar predicament and before long, things began to change.

The solution I’m recommending is called "4 easy ways to help children focus"

Take Away Quote
  • The greatest investment you can make in children is to help them make the best decisions in life

  • One major mistake of  parenting is the substitution of discipline with excessive tolerance.


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