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Friday, October 2, 2020

Types Of Sexuality: Sexual Orientation And Behaviors

There are different types of sexuality or sexual orientation and behavior which I have covered below, but before we delve into them, it will be appropriate to understand what this term really means.


Sexuality is everything that has to do with ones sexual feelings, thoughts, inclinations, attraction and behavior towards himself and other people.

There are uncountable ways people can feel sexually attracted. It could be to people of different gender, people of the same gender, to both genders, to neither gender or even to oneself.

Some sexual attraction or orientations are considered inconsistent with what the society deems generally acceptable. While these once receive thumbs down, there are a few others that get thumbs up.

Whatever the case may be, self-awareness on this subject matter is necessary to help make an informed lifetime decisions especially those that have to do with relationships or marriage.

If you really want to enjoy the  5 different types sex all couples should enjoy, then you must strive to know your spouse's sexuality type.

The earlier one gets to know his or her sexuality, the easier it is to deal with it should it make you uncomfortable or ashamed.

In case you don’t know your sexuality type or you still might be confused about it, I have explained 7 of them in this article.

types of sexuality


The word “PAN” means every or all. The pansexual people are those who feel deep sexual attraction for all gender. They also go as far as feeling attracted to transgender and transsexual people.

This type of sexual orientation is nonselective so doesn’t really care if a person is straight or not.

The bright side of this type is that, it is characterized by sexual fluidity, meaning that these people have the tendency to change their behavior in the over time.

You may be asking, what is transgender and what is transsexual?

Transgender is a situation where once gender or sex is changed into another one different from that in which he or she was born with. While transsexual on the other hand, has to do with changing once physical sex to match his or her desired one by carrying out some hormonal and sex related surgery.


The asexual type is the opposite of sexual orientation type. People who are asexual do not have any feelings at all for sex, therefore feels no attraction or longing for anybody—not same sex, not opposite sex.

While asexual are not sexually attracted to anyone, they can be romantically  attracted to either people of the same or opposite sex. This is what makes them different from the celibates. Celibates feel sexual attraction and can have deep longing for sex but do not get involved because of personal decision.

If you are looking for a partner who for certain won't cheat on you, then I recommend an asexual person. This is the good side of the asexual behavioural type.

However, if you also don't want to have sex related issues, then don't get married to people like this. You will be starved sexually. 

I believe that the ignorance of these sexuality types contributes to marriage failure as well.


The meaning of the  root word “DEMI” is HALF, thereofore demisexual people are people whose sexual attraction, feelinsg and inclination is halfway between asexual and sexual type of sexuality orientation.

 They are the hard-nut-to-crack set of people due to their demand for deep emotional connection and bonding before they can get involved sexually.  A little touch or minor attraction cannot fire up their sexual desires. To them, there is nothing like love-at-first-sight.

The problem with DEMISEXUAL  people is they may have a lot of sex related issues  since their partner will not always be able to play the hard role of sexually arousing them all the time.

There was a lady I had an affair with sometime ago, and from personal experience, I can tell that, it is indeed a hard job to activate Demisexual people. They can be totally dead to sex as such, demand great effort to resurrect their feelings.

The good side of it is, they hardly cheat on their spouse since they don't even have the drive for sex.

 Demisexual people spend the most part of their lives being sexually unsatisfied.


Monosexual people are attracted to just one gender of either the opposite sex (Heterosexual) or same sex (Homosexual) but not both.

When the homosexual type get married, their sexual life will be nothing short of disaster. For instance a woman with such  sexuality may not be able to satisfy her husband’s conjugal desires because all in her thought and imagination, she desires the touch of a fellow woman, not a man. 


Bisexual type is the opposite of Monosexual type. While Monosexual people are attracted to just one gender, Bisexual people are attracted to both gender—The same sex( Homosexual ) and opposite sex(heterosexual).

This type of sexual orientation is characterized by a mixed feelings since it involve having affection or sexual attraction for both the same and opposite sex. This alone is a whole lot of trouble. 

It is difficult for the bisexual people to fall in love, raise children and keep a home for a long time. There insatiable desire to satisfy their mixed feelings may soon escalate. 

Even though a man does not want another man making out with his wife, he also does not want the fore playing of another woman with his wife. Every man wants to take the glory for sexually satisfying his wife. The same thing goes for the woman.


The gray asexuality type people are in the mid line between the sexual and asexual people. Under certain condition and in most rare circumstances, these people can be sexually aroused to almost a negligible level.

A man who married a Gray-asexual woman has to be very sensitive and observant to make the most out of the opportunity when his wife becomes sexually alive since their sexual desire is subject to flickering. 

Making  the most out of the light before the bulb is turned off will be the greatest advice one can give to this married man.

The occasional sexual drive characterized by this type of sexuality can pose a lot of challenges. The man or woman as the case may be, may resort to infidelity.


Of the different types of behavioral orientations, the auto sexual people are self indulgent.

 This people sexually arouse themselves through self stimulation.
The autosexual people can touch themselves and at the same time imagine a lot of sex related things until they climax. 

The danger with this type of sexuality is that, anyone who has it may end up enjoying self-gratification more than they enjoy sex with their partner which can cause them to deprive their partner the opportunity of a great sex.




 Thank You 

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