at THE COACH TOUCH, we discovered that many ideologies about Dating, Relationship, Marriage, and Parenting revolving around the internet are unhealthy for consumption; a big reason many are perplexed and dissatisfied. THE COACH TOUCH WANTS TO TEACH YOU HOW TO DATE, BUILD A GREAT RELATIONSHIP AND MAKE A FANTASTIC MARRIAGE OUT OF IT, AND FINALLY, LEAD YOU THROUGH A SEAMLESS PARENTING JOURNEY AFTER MARRIAGE. This VISION is the rationale behind our FREE Coaching, Counseling, and Guest Speaking.

Friday, October 30, 2020

10 Old Fashion DATING RULES more Reliable Than Modern Once| Dating Rules For Single Men And Women


Rules govern our lives and help us protect ourselves from smash-ups. May I submit that Dating rules are no exception.


Virtually everyone knows how difficult it is to genuinely connect with someone you call a date to the point you pop the big question, “will you marry me?”And this is because beyond the excitement, fun, and emotions, you really want  to know a person’s character on a more serious and personal level before you make any serious life's decision.


Dating rules
Dating rules

There are 3 dangerous  types of 21st-century dating people engage in without setting any rule and as such, have left indelible damages in the lives of many.


To help you make an informed decision and find great character during dating, there are a set of rules you must follow.


These rules are to help you towards achieving a strong healthy relationship and to stop you from entering into any toxic or parasitic ones.


Here are my top 11 dating rules to consider before dating anyone.  




How can you go to a destination you know nothing about unless you have a direction? How can a pilot fly an aircraft unless he has a compass? How then can you date unless you have an end goal in mind? Unfortunately, this is how modern people date; No direction so no end goal.


An end goal is your clear objective or blueprint for dating. It determines the direction you are heading and decides who goes with you. This is the old fashion way of dating that made marriages beautiful and exciting in those days.


If you are dating for a relationship or marriage purpose, make it very clear to your date before you start investing your emotion. If you don’t, you just might be getting a shocker message sooner or later such as, “ I don’t want anything serious. I just want us to be friends with benefits”


Be honest with your intentions and you don’t have to be afraid if you’ll sound desperate. Anyone who runs away from you when you make your intentions clear is not a nice person. God just saved you from one bad guy.


 There's nothing to be gained by hiding the fact that you're ultimately looking for your one true forever partner, but there's a lot you can lose if you don't open up. You can lose emotional stability when the person you've been dating and grown to love decides to keep things casual, and also, a lot of your preciously irredeemable time can be wasted.


You may think that being open about what you want makes you seem and sound desperate. My dear, it is not desperation, it is called " DEFINITION" so dump that idea.

 Anyone who runs away when you're honest about your intentions is not the kind of person who would stick around in the long run.



In a bid to avoid stress and responsibility, you may be tempted to allow the other person plan the entire date, from where to meet, funs to have and things to talk about, including what to eat.

If you really want to go on a date that won't flunk or suck, you have to be in the planning process. You have heard the saying, “ He who fails to plan, has already plan to fail.”

There is nothing wrong with indicating your special interest and likes in the glut of things that can happen on that day. If you allow one person to plan the entire date, you may end up going and not liking the outcome. To therefore enjoy a date, you must have to obey this dating rule as well as other very important once mentioned below.


Of cause, you heard me right! Whether you are a Christian or not, dating several people is not taboo. It is wisdom.

Dating doesn’t have to be a monogamous affair. You don’t because you are dating someone you act like you are already a wife or a husband. Don’t allow anyone to monopolize you unless there is a ring on that finger.

The easiest way to get hurt is to get too attached to someone in such a way that seems like desperation. You don’t want to create such an impression. 

Remember, dating is a platform that enables one to make a relationship decision that may last a lifetime, but how can you make such a decision by choice if the only egg you have in your basket is one?

 Take it or leave it, due to unforeseen circumstances, it is very imperative to lay your eggs in various baskets so you can choose the best out of them all. Not all eggs are good. Some are rotten and if you eat them, they'll purge you.


If you're in for a first date, don’t talk about this as it may seem too fast, direct, and forward. Your first date has to be light and easy, and not too serious. If your date comes up with this question on a first date, you can say something like, “I would  rather not discuss this too early ”

 But if you’ve dated for a while, then discussing past relationships is necessary.

When dating escalates into a full-blown relationship and the people involved refuse to discuss past relationships, one party may, later on, find out about a bad past life or an information about the other person that makes him/her uncomfortable.

 A date may come to discover that the other person has had a past relationship with  his closest friend or even his father. This will lead to unexpected emotional damage and heartbreaks that would’ve otherwise been avoided earlier on, only if they had discussed their past relationships before investing their emotions.


You can't know everything about a date at a go. Going on a date is not to fast track getting to know someone. What dating does, is to help you know someone on a very surface level. You also have to know them on a more fundamental and deep level, so stop wasting those long precious hours on dates.

In my opinion, 2 hours is well enough to catch all the fun and have a superficial knowledge of someone. 

I believe that the longer you spend on a date, the more vulnerable you become, and the easier it is to misbehave through your words and actions. 

Also, when you date for a longer period, you stretch yourself away from the zone of fun, comfort, and excitement into the zone of boredom and weariness. This is not the kind of energy you want to return home with. 


All the single ladies or divorced women who are ready to mingle, This dating rule is for you.  

Because women are emotional feelers, there is a very high  tendency that they would be the first to get too attached or anticipate a more serious relationship even if they don’t say it,  and this has been A ONE BIG FLOP virtually all women are guilty of. 

In case you act this way, then you really need the 11 top secrets for a fulfilled single life. This will teach you how to be self-sufficient and self-dependent that you need before starting to date. 

Even though the majority of women don’t verbalize their desire to hatch a serious affair from dating, after dating for a while, they tend to do it in subtlety, that is, through their actions and behavior.  Too soon, they start phoning several times, sending text messages, always wanting to see the guy, availing the guy all of their time and attention. The bad side of this is, the man understands what you want and can take advantage of your emotional weakness.

A man will always value a woman with self-respect, integrity, and high moral values, not those that act desperately.

Acting like a wife when you are not yet one, will only ruin your chances of being one.

As a woman who desires a man’s respect, you need to learn to put your emotions under control no matter what you feel and behave like a repulsive magnet for a while. Allow the man to do the talking and give the green lights.


For some reasons, people think that dating is a place where they get people to solve their problems. Hell No. Such thought is against dating rules.

While I am not in denial that you can actual find great help and support through dating, dating is not primarily for that purpose so don’t go on a date spilling out all your troubles. You can talk about your struggles instead.

Your struggles can be something you are working really hard to achieve or a challenge you encountered while trying to do a particular thing. This is different from saying things like, “I really need a sponsor for my album launch” or “I am not happy. I really need to raise money for my fees.”

Allow your date to ask what the matter is. Even if they do, don’t be too quick to leak out all your troubles if you don't want your intentions to be misperceived.

Until you are self-reliant that you don’t desire others to compensate for your deficiency, don’t date. You will always flunk if you do.


Why will people advise you to have sex with your date. Some say you are free to have sex but don’t just do that too soon.  Don’t mind them. This is the worst mistake you’ll make as a single lady who desires to be married.

The reason I am saying this is, there is something that seems to change about men after they make love with you. There is a kind of withdrawal, detachment, and unseriousness that envelops a man after sex and this gets even worst the more you sexually gratify them.  

But when you stay off the lane of sex, you get a man to respect you, trust you, and perceive how responsible, reserved, and morally strong you are. These are the most important set of attributes a man wants before he puts a ring on that finger.


You woman! Pay the bills too. I know what you are probably thinking; “He’s the man. He asked for the date.”

Yes! He is the man. He asked for the date, but do you desire to be respected? If yes, then pay the bills once in a while. Most men would disagree but insist. There is no genuine reason why a man should pay for the date, just as there is absolutely no genuine reason why a woman shouldn’t.

What you can also do is split bills occasionally. There is nothing wrong with splitting bills. It just tells your date how independent of a woman you are.

 With this knowledge, if he is a man who needs a non-working housewife, he will know you are not that type and retrace his steps.

Also, by going on a date with your money bag, you just might save your head from shame if you end up dating a shameless person who has no money to pay bills.


After the date, you are under no obligation to reach out to your date.

The mistake most women make is, after a few days, they expect the guy to call or text. Understand that, he is under no obligation.

If he texts, fine, but don’t be too quick and too anxious to reply. If you have to reply, keep things unemotional.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong to reach out after date, your attitude of response can mess things up and send the wrong signal.

These are my top 10 dating rules and can be applied whether you are just starting to date or you have been dating.




  Thank You 

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